Yamadera is a hotel suite project of Hotel Yamagata Kaku Taiwan, a sister hotel of in Yamagata county Japan. The suite is named after the symbolic Mountain Temple in Yamagata to deliver the philosophical meaning of Yamagata history. The layout of suite was designed into three sections to gradually comfort resident’s mind and soul with monotone setting and arch enclosed space.
A member of International Federation of Interior Architects/Designers. Furniture Designer, Columbia Alumni, Adjunct Lecturer. Founder of Paradox Studio, a Taipei based architectural and interior design firm that strives to develop architectural and interior projects, engage world culture and local consciousness, conceptual art and pragmatism. Paradox Studio is involved in projects at all scales, ranging from interior exhibition space to landscape master plan
A professional interior/Architectural designer with experience of handling small scale exhibition scale project to urban planning. Graduated from Columbia University New York with March degree in 2002. Moved to Taiwan for practice and also teaching as assistant professor from 2005-2008