Salomeh sorouri Memorial Jewelry
Memorial Jewelry is Iron Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Jewelry Design Award Category.
Memorial Jewelry

Memorial piece represents the people who devoted their lives during the Corona pandemic to protect lives of human beings and the gemstones on the base of this piece are the symbol of gratitude of the health and remedy staff. This work has been modular form and is made of pure silver. The unique features of this work include of spiritual concept along with the minimal structure and also applying golden color in halo segment to provide balance and a pleasant design view.

Memorial Jewelry
Salomeh sorouri Memorial
Salomeh sorouri Jewelry
Salomeh sorouri design
Salomeh sorouri design
Salomeh sorouri

Salomeh Sorouri is the founder and director of Atelier and Gallery Sorouri and a member of the faculty of the Industrial Design Department the Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, since 1999. she is a Jury of international competitions and winner of numerous international competitions. Her other activities include participating in design, painting and photography exhibitions. she is the author of two books and the author of articles in various fields of art and industrial design. Car design, product design, design and making jewelry are Salomeh Sorouri's interests and she has raised many successful students, each of whom is a successful designer around the world.

Atelier Sorouri

Sorouri Atelier was established by Saloumeh Sorouri, member of the Industrial Design board at Islamic Azad University of Tehran (Central Branch), since year 1999 in Sari and then 2002 in Tehran, with the aim of gathering the renowned international designers, and commenced its artistic and cultural activities. Tutoring and instructing illustrious designers in the field of art and design-industry, jewelry, products, vehicles, interior design, et cetera, along with holding design workshops are some of her activities. In fact, the background of specific activities in artistic and cultural contexts was hierarchical in her family and passed one generation to another.