Jiang & Associates Creative Design Pingshan Cultural Cluster Book Mall Bookstore
Pingshan Cultural Cluster Book Mall Bookstore is Golden Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Pingshan Cultural Cluster Book Mall Bookstore

Pingshan Cultural Cluster - Book Mall, taking the local Hakka enclosed house culture as the design concept and the pattern of round outside but square inside as the main feature, has its space divided into "Square" and "Round" zones. The square zone is oriented to young people, the overall layout of which expands around the central activity area. Inspired by "Diaolou" (tower building), we adopt the highly structured facade of Diaolou to create characteristic walls for the atrium. The use of mirror finish ceiling makes the image extend infinitely, activating the memory to the whole space.

Pingshan Cultural Cluster Book Mall Bookstore
Jiang & Associates Creative Design Pingshan Cultural Cluster Book Mall
Jiang & Associates Creative Design Bookstore
Jiang & Associates Creative Design design
Jiang & Associates Creative Design design
Jiang & Associates Creative Design

Jiang & Associates Design(前Frank Jiang Design)现在是亚洲最大的室内设计公 之一。作为首家在A股市场上市的室内 设计公司(300668.SZ),他们在《室内 计》杂志2019年百强巨头中排名第25位 在零售设计领域排名第三,在亚洲和 中国均排名第一。J&A (Jiang & Associates Design)总部位于中国深圳,在上海、 港、北京、大连、武汉和西安设立了 域分支机构。J&A主要经营四个设 领域,包括商业综合体,医疗保健综 体,交通综合体,文化和教育综合体 ,拥有来自世界着名学校的800多名国 设计师,专门从事建筑,M&E,标志 系统,照明,装饰和智能设计,项目 盖购物中心,办公室,物业/酒店,医 疗保健,公共建筑,交通和文化教育 多年来,强爱作为中国城市综合体设 的领导者,获得了数百项国家和国际 奖项,并获得了30多项专利。J&A一 以全球视野信奉中国深度的发展理念 与华润、万科、龙福等知名开发商保 持着密切的合作关系,始终为客户提 定制化设计的一体化服务。

Jiang & Associates Creative Design

Shenzhen Jiang & Associates Creative Design Co., Ltd. is now one of the biggest interior design firms in Asia. As the first interior design firm that got listed in A share stock market (stock code:, it was ranked 25th in Top 100 giants 2019 of Interior Design magazine, and 3rd in retail design, which is No.1 both in Asia and China. Headquartered in Shenzhen, China, J&A has established its regional branches in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian, Wuhan and Xi'an, mainly runs four design areas including commercial complex, healthcare complex , transportation complex, culture and education complex, boasting over 600 international designers that are specialized in architecture, interior, M&E, sign system, lighting, decoration and intelligent design, with projects covering shopping mall, office, property / hotel, healthcare,public building, transportation and cultural education. For over 10 years, J&A has received hundreds of national and international awards as the leader of Chinese urban complex design, and remained the close cooperative relationship with renown developers including China Resources, Vanke, Longfor, etc.