Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency Ltd. 360 Design Budapest Phygital Exhibition
360 Design Budapest Phygital Exhibition is Bronze Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Event and Happening Design Award Category.
360 Design Budapest Phygital Exhibition

360 Design Budapest was a series of programs, introduced by the Hungarian Fashion and Design Agency in the frame of Budapest Design Week. The event, presenting the works of twenty Hungarian and four international contemporary designers, had an interesting feature: its Phygital nature, which allowed the audience to visit the exhibition both offline and online. The event displays designers of the Hungarian and regional design scene highlighting also through this high-value selection that Central European design is indeed world class.

360 Design Budapest Phygital Exhibition
Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency Ltd. 360 Design Budapest
Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency Ltd. Phygital Exhibition
Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency Ltd. design
Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency Ltd. design
Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency Ltd.

The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency was established as a subsidiary of the Hungarian Tourism Agency in 2018, with the aim of providing structured and efficient professional assistance to all players in the industry. One of our priority tasks is to support the incorporation of fashion and design into Hungary’s public image, to turn these into touristic selling points and thus generate tourism revenue. The Agency's aim is to build a bridge for graduate designers between finishing school and starting a job , with the help of mentoring programmes. Thanks to this, new brands will emerge and become well-known and acknowledged both internationally and within Hungary. The Agency considers it important that more and more people recognise the creative potential in Hungarian fashion and design. A tool for this is to enable Hungarian brands and manufacturers to represent themselves at a high level on the international scene.

Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency

The Agency's mission is to promote the creativity of the Hungarian design and fashion industry, this through providing Hungarian designers the opportunity to participate at high-level international design fairs. The agency also provides professional support to designers and manufacturers in the frame of its mentoring and incubation programs.