Hung Teng Hsiao Cigar Age Commercial Space
Cigar Age Commercial Space is Silver Design Award winner in 2020 - 2021 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Cigar Age Commercial Space

The smoky textures paired with antique dyed leather and technical control functions are used to create a sophisticated interior that is both private and unique. Under the distribution of smooth circulations, the use of ceiling space design allows the independent booths and storerooms to present a layered. In response to the demands of different spaces, adopted an design for temperature and humidity control, the configuration of corridors, the cutting of cabinet laminates, and the application of ventilation grills for proper allocation of functions.

Cigar Age Commercial Space
Hung Teng Hsiao Cigar Age
Hung Teng Hsiao Commercial Space
Hung Teng Hsiao design
Hung Teng Hsiao design
YUAN YE Interior Design

Good at the planning and configuration of space and functions, and sophisticatedly adopting multiple materials and techniques to create a distinctive sense of belonging. Thus, space is endowed with new vitality. With effective communication, the designer creates an exclusive space for clients in the integration of design and life, so each project meets the ideal standards of the clients. As time passes, it still remains the original sensation.