Lama, Rama, and Tariq Love Thyself Awareness Campaign
Love Thyself Awareness Campaign is Iron Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Advertising, Marketing and Communication Design Award Category.
Love Thyself Awareness Campaign

According to Erich Fromm, within love lies the only answer to being human, lies sanity.The campaign is created to spread awareness about the importance of self love. If a person loses loving themselves, they lose it all. Loving thyself is a term known in literature, philosophy, and religions. Inner love is the opposite of selfishness. It implies being instead of having, creating as opposed to hating. It is a positive attitude of responsibility and awareness of innersole and surroundings.

Love Thyself Awareness Campaign
Lama, Rama, and Tariq Love Thyself
Lama, Rama, and Tariq Awareness Campaign
Lama, Rama, and Tariq design
Lama, Rama, and Tariq design
Lama, Rama, and Tariq

Co-founded by siblings sharing the same values, we are T-shared Design, an apparel brand that aims to spread awareness of inner-self and surrounding to enforce good behaviour through good design. It helps people stop following ever-changing trends and replace that with items that have a lasting presence and positive impact. Our work includes apparel design, manufacturing, and branding services. In addition to the generic designs we sell on different apparel items, we offer clients the opportunity to order (for themselves or their loved ones) a unique custom design tailored to an occasion, character or personal preference.

T- Shared Design

T- shared design is a start up company that aims for spreading awareness of inner-self and surrounding to enforce good behavior through good design.