Zlatina Petrova DeafUP Mobile Application
DeafUP Mobile Application is Silver Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Mobile Technologies, Applications and Software Design Award Category.
DeafUP Mobile Application

DeafUP triggers the importance of education and professional experience for the deaf community in Eastern Europe. They create an environment where hearing professionals and deaf students can meet and collaborate. Working together will be a natural way to empower and motivate deaf people to become more active, to raise their talents, to learn new skills, to make a difference.

DeafUP Mobile Application
Zlatina Petrova DeafUP
Zlatina Petrova Mobile Application
Zlatina Petrova design
Zlatina Petrova design
Zlatina Petrova

Zlatina is the CEO of Brandly Collective. She's also a curious explorer and startup design mentor (including being featured at Google's Startup weekend). Zlatina loves to help the companies to find innovative new ways to express their message visually.

Brandly Collective

At Brandly Collective, we call ourselves a communication company, because that’s what good design is about: understanding, and being understood. We are a team of designers, strategists, video creators, and developers who help cause-driven companies and business leaders to create healthier brands with brighter futures. Cause-driven companies don’t have the time (or desire) to recruit & manage their own product design teams, but they do have the time (and desire) to invest in the noble art of changing the culture. So it’s our job to be the extension of their team that they need to make that happen. We tithe as a company to human trafficking charities (the fastest growing crime in the world, and second largest crime behind drugs) so that we're able to make a difference ourselves while making a difference for others.