This is the public profile of Israel Lara, click here to view our interview with Israel Lara |
View Larger Image and Additional Photos of Israel Lara STATEMENT OF ART:About Israel Lara : One hundred eleven proposes strategic solutions regardless of scale; promoting the development and quality of life of the Society.
We offer on each proposal a Vanguard added value interpreting the unique meaning of each space
We generate integral proposals with multidisciplinary approaches in order to reach a complete development and respect the individual's aspirational dream.
"Architecture is the harmonious composition of materials, designs and creativity grounded in rational structures. The results and drive improvements benefit society". ORGANIZATION: 111ARQ EDUCATION: 2015, Architecture, Carrer, UVM Querétaro, México. 2015-2017 MGIC- Master in Integrated Construction Management, Universidad Ramon Llul Barcelona. 2017-2018 MIC - Maestría en Construcción, Instituto Tecnológico de la Construcción, México City EXPERIENCE: Mexican Society of Egyptology. First Mexican Rescue Mission Theban Tomb 39, Luxor, Egypt. Member of the Group of Architecture, Ninth and Tenth Season. Freelance Designer 111arq Urban Development Secretary Sites and Monuments. Member of the Group of Architecture, in the draft Queretaro Aqueduct Restoration AWARDS: A' DESIGN AWARD -A' Design Award Winner for Architecture -Reef House Natural Building System. -A' Design Award Winner for Social Design - ResQ TRU Temporary Rescue Unit. -A' Design Award – Designer of the Year Nominated. IDA INTERNATIONAL DESIGN AWARD -IDA - ARCHITECTURE - Gold Winner - Reef House Natural Building System - Conceptual Category. -IDA - ARCHITECTURE - Gold Winner - Reef House Natural Building System - Sustainable Living/Green Category. -IDA - ARCHITECTURE - Gold Winner - ResQ Temporary Rescue Unit - Safety Designs Category. -IDA - ARCHITECTURE - Gold Winner - Industrial and Life Science Design - Category. -IDA - ARCHITECTURE - Silver Winner - Sport Resort Multifuncional Cycling - Conceptual Category. -IDA - ARCHITECTURE - Silver Winner - Pop-Up Store Instant Soup - Other Architectural designs Category. AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE PRIZE -AAP 2017 Pro- RESTORATION & RENOVATION - Interpretation center mining Portovelo. -AAP 2017 - CULTURAL ARCHITECTURE - Cathedral of the sacred heart of Jesús. -AAP 2017 - GREEN ARCHITECTURE - Seacrete/marcreto natural building system. -AAP 2017 - SMALL ARCHITECTURE - Seacrete/marcreto natural building system. -AAP 2017 - SOCIAL HOUSING - Seacrete/marcreto natural building system. -AAP 2017 - OTHER ARCHITECTURE - RESQ Temporary rescue unit. PRESS APPEARANCES: 2014, Mexican Rescue Mission TT39 Ninth Season Consolidation structure of walls and vaults of the Theban Tomb, Sala de Prensa de la Universidad del Valle de México, PUIMRA PROPHET IN EGYPT, http://laureate-comunicacion.com/prensa/participan -docentes-y-estudiantes-de-la-uvm-en-la-consolidac ion-de-estructura-de-muros-y-bovedas-de-la-tumba-t ebana-39-del-profeta-puimra-en-egipto/, Luxor Egypt. 2015, UVM Querétaro participates in restoration of Egyptian tomb, Quadratin Querétaro, https://queretaro.quadratin.com.mx/Participa-UVM-Q ueretaro-en-restauracion-de-tumba-egipcia/, January, Querétaro city, México Colombia, España, México, Chile, Perú y Argentina entre los ganadores del American Architecture Prize 2017 https://www.archdaily.mx/mx/tag/111arq DXGN Natural Building System:reef House by 111arq & Israel Lara http://dxgn.org/article.php?ID=15534 http://designsummits.com/article.php?ID=2611 BIG ARCHITECS Resq Tru-Temporary Rescue Unit by 111arq & Israel Lara http://big-architects.net/article.php?ID=179098 ASOCIACIÓN DE OFICINAS DE ARQUITECTOS DE CHILE http://www.aoa.cl/colombia-espana-mexico-chile-per u-y-argentina-entre-los-ganadores-del-american-arc hitecture-prize-2017/ ACCOLADES: 2012, 2013 and 2014 "Academic Excellence in Architecture , UVM Querétaro, Qurétaro México. 2017 TFM Excelent, Universidad Ramon Llul Barcelona. LANGUAGE SKILLS: Spanish (Native), English (Intermediate), French (Beginner). COMPUTER LITERACY: Autodesk Revit, Graphisoft Archicad,Autodesk Autocad, Lumion, Ecosoft Opus, Adobe Photoshop. COURSES, SEMINARS AND WORKSHOPS:: 2014 Design thinking Work shop International (Summer School & UVM Qro). México Qro city. Egiptología MOOC - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona MEMBERSHIPS & ASSOCIATIONS: 2014, Cámara Mexicana de la Industria de la Construcción, Querétaro, México. HOBBIES: Boxing, Reading, Wood Carving, Race Cars, Cycling WEB SITE: http://www.111arq.com/ PORTFOLIO URL: http://issuu.com/laraisrael/docs/111-arq-israel_la ra REGISTRATION DATE: 2015-07-05 02:11:55 COUNTRY/REGION: Mexico ACCOUNT TYPE: Professional |
Awards received by Israel Lara
Runner-Up status designs by 111ARQ & Israel Lara
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