DESIGN NAME: Interpretation Centre of Romanesque
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Exhibition Centre
INSPIRATION: Based on the concepts of Romanesque architecture in Portugal, the building aims to be a transitional element between the present and the distant past. In an austere way, the volumetric proposed contains the principals of unity within diversity, appearing under the form of several volumes with different heights and dimensions, demonstrating the diversity that Romanesque buildings have left us. Therefore, each volume ceilings reinterprets one of the roof types used in Romanesque architecture.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The building is composed by seven apparent concrete volumes with different heights.Each one represents a distinct exhibition space.To explore the relation between them,it was created a central body covered by glass that procedes them entries.This central space explores the contrast bright/dark between it and the exhibition spaces.Therefore, the building tries to be contemporary without forgetting the important Romanesque past, creating an atmospheric symbiosis between this different times.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The entire exhibition was designed to promote the interaction of the public, making them feel an integral part of it. The visitor is required to interact with the exhibition in order to obtain more information and deepen his knowledge of the different terms on which the exhibition focuses.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The building is located in the village of Lousada that belongs to Oporto district. Is is located in an area that is an expansion of this village ant it is marked by a strong relationship with an urban square called Praça das Pocinhas and withe the Senhor dos Aflitos Church - a strong reference in the town center. The project concept started in 2011 and and the construction was finished in 2018. It is open to the public since september 2018.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Architecture, Building and Structure Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: In a clear allusion to the past constructions, which was built using the local materials like stone and wood, here we use the stone of our days, the concrete. The wood-texture on the concrete facades mark the straight connection that this kind of architecture established with the surrounding nature.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: 1580m2 - 57000 mm x 30000 mm x 15000 mm
TAGS: Romanesque, concrete, architecture, Volumetric, interpretation, concrete volumes, Interpretation centre of the romanesque, Unity within diversity, Portuguese romanesque, Romanesque route,
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The project seeks for a close relation between the old romanesque architecture and the architecture of nowadays. During the concept fase were study all of the Romanesque typology present in the region extracting of this research the most easily recognised elements of this architecture for transposing them into a contemporary building.
The final design seek for a contemporary approach of this Romanesque elements that allow people to immediately recognise that this new build as something to do with the old romanesque buildings.
Once inside, the scale, the light and the proportion of the spaces was also based on the old romanesque buildings, remind us the ancient Romanesque construction.
CHALLENGE: One of the most challenging things of this design was the impact on the center of the village during its construction. The build is very auster, like all of the architecture of the romanesque period, and in the first instance this austerity was not being welcomed. Now with the building completed they full understand his meaning and the building is much loved for the whole population .
ADDED DATE: 2019-08-28 09:28:11
TEAM MEMBERS (6) : Principal Architect: Henrique Marques, Principal Architect: Rui Dinis, Architect: Rui Rodrigues, Architect: Rui Miguel, Architect: Sérgio Rocha and
IMAGE CREDITS: Main Image #1 : Fernando Guerra FG+SG
Optional Image #1 : Fernando Guerra FG+SG
Optional Image #2 : Fernando Guerra FG+SG
Optional Image #3 : Fernando Guerra FG+SG
Optional Image #4 : Fernando Guerra FG+SG
Video Credits: Building Pictures