DESIGN NAME: Smile - Video Game
INSPIRATION: I'd played a lot of NES games since i was a kid, they are are 8-bit graphic style, and they are a part of my childhood, and they inspire me a lot until now.
I was confused what to do for my Graduation project, also my future career path, finally, i decided to make a game project, i wanted to create a survial game! and if I was not a game artist in the future, this would be the project make me proud.
the game will have a lot of questions for players to answer
you have to find how to bypass the obstacles by using things on the road
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This is a survival game the main character is a primary school kid you have to think a little bit to find the way to get out, try to hide and don't let the monsters catch you you will discover the story of a mysterious character - Smile
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Player have to find the elements on the journey, then combine them to bypass the obstacles, there are a lot of obstacles, like monster, big things on the road, so you have to things a little bt to bypass them
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in April 2014 in Ho Chi Minh city and finished in July
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: I used Painting software, such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator to draw Illustrations
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: original art works: Width 1920 px x Height 1080 px
TAGS: Video, game, design, art, illustration, survival, smile, adventure
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: Type of Research: Digital painting and game design
Research Objectives: To get game knownledge, painting practice
Methodology: Play some platform game
Data Collection and Research Tools Used: Google and games
Participants or Experiments:me, myself and I
Results: Digital paintings
Effect of the Research in Real-Life Phenomena: to make a good survival game
CHALLENGE: The hardest part is finding concept, sketching and finishing in 3 months
ADDED DATE: 2019-08-11 04:32:50
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : It's my personal project
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Illustrator Phong Vo. Old Carousel. 2014.
Image #2: Illustrator Phong Vo. Summer trip. 2014.
Image #3: Illustrator Phong Vo. A strange place. 2014.
Image #4: Illustrator Phong Vo. Suburban. 2014.
Image #5: Illustrator Phong Vo. High place. 2014.
PATENTS/COPYRIGHTS: Copyrights belong to Phong Vo, 2020.