DESIGN NAME: RUFA Annual Report 2016
INSPIRATION: The 2016 Report is a collection of the best efforts from the generous didactic and creative output of the academy of the last year.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The use of an expressive typography, the combination of photography and magenta thread artistic submissions, the free-form layout and visible binding, everything is meant to evoke the school’s multi-disciplinary nature, open to artistic and projectual contamination and layering.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The Report is a book. It also contains extra digital contents in augmented reality, viewable via the dedicated app for smartphones or tablets, Aurasma.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in December 2016 and finished in March 2017.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: The product is printed in hexachrome, using 802 and 806 Pantone Neon hues. The poster/book jacket sorts the different entries by type, while the offset-printed white cover features a letter written by an imaginary teacher to a prospect student. The 16-page, differently sized bichrome insert, reports about of one of the most important moments of the last year: the RUFA contest. It also contains extra digital contents, viewable via a dedicated app for smartphones or tablets.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: 215 mm x 15 mm x 280 mm. The annual report is composed of the book and the poster/book jacket.
TAGS: rufa, annual report, intorno design, augmented reality, editorial, book, pantone, fine arts, academy
ADDED DATE: 2017-06-22 13:00:53
TEAM MEMBERS (15) : Editorial project: Ufficio comunicazione RUFA, Content supervisor: Fabio Mongelli, Design: Intorno Design, Text curated by: Elena Pagnotta, Alessandro Caruso, Magenta embroidery artwork: Federica Di Pietrantonio, Portrait photo: Stefano Compagnucci, Christian Rizzo (postproduction), Photo contributors: Eleonora Cerri Pecorella, Veronica Iudici, Photo (insert): III year Photography A.Y 2015/16, Cover text: Raffaele Simongini, Contributors: Andrea René Angeramo, Emanuele Cappelli, Alessandro Carpentieri, Alessandro Caruso, Emiliano Coletta, Giulia Mencarelli, Alessandro Mongelli, Alfio Mongelli, Fabio Mongelli, Ely Rozenberg, Mario Rullo, Alessandro Vergoz, Andrés Raphael Zabala, Contents translation: CSE 92, Thanks to: Paolo Buonaiuto, Laura Campana, Fabrizio Dell’Arno, Valentina Marchiò, Laura Speranza, Printing: Tipografare (Graphein Servizi srl), Paper: Arjowiggins and Book binding: La Legatoria
IMAGE CREDITS: Intorno Design, 2017.