PRIMARY FUNCTION: Reflective Head stone
INSPIRATION: Reflective cross was inspired from the belief about Ascension of Christ to the Heaven or sky after days of being Crucified. The symbolic cross mirror addresses the place where Jesus Christ was ascended by reflecting the sky.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Interaction between people and gravestone is an issue which is less discussed since many think death is the end. In this design the mirror acts as a reminder of afterlife that people go that place after death via reflecting the sky so when people look at gravestone their vision would get adverted to the blue sky and moving clouds which recalls dynamic condition of human soul after death. As a result people feel less pity about their beloved as they are reminded that his/ her soul is not under the ground unlike the body.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: The interaction happens when people look at the head stone. They would see the sky in the mirror that is placed on the head stone instead of just seeing a simple cairn. It represent part of Infinite Sky with moving clouds on the ground and reminds a dynamic status after death.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: This is a concept and the process for modeling , rendering takes 4 days long from 16 feb to 19 feb 2015.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: To show more contrast, head stone is preferred to be made by concrete and a mirror made of reflective steel which is set in it's position on the concrete .To have a better Strength The thickness of steel sheet is 1mm.
TAGS: Infinity, head stone, mirror, reflection, sky, eternal, Innovative, cross
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The most important reason about creating this design is because of pity that people feel at cemetery for their beloved . Sometimes it may be just for a moment despite they may believe in God and human soul. It is perceived by looking at people come to cemetery or during talking to them else where.
CHALLENGE: In this project the main concept was something that could link the sky (as a representative of other world) to the ground. First a white laser light was considered as a link ;however, it requires several electronic part and protectors in outdoor so the second concept was created based on the Christ's ascension to heaven and the fact that human meets his creator and comes back to energy that is made from.
ADDED DATE: 2015-02-18 22:20:39
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Illustrator Soroush Vahidian Kamyar, Infinity, 2015.
Image #2: Illustrator Soroush Vahidian Kamyar, Infinity, 2015.
Image #3: Illustrator Soroush Vahidian Kamyar, Infinity, 2015.
Image #4: Illustrator Soroush Vahidian Kamyar, Infinity, 2015.
Image #5: Illustrator Soroush Vahidian Kamyar, Infinity, 2015.