INSPIRATION: The very first idea was to create something that has shape of the first letter of my name - V (the profile of the wc and the shape of internal tank). It was eventually changed because of functional reasons.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Extravagant design combined with higher efficiency and economy
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: This close-coupled WC have tilted tank which allows the water to flush out easily than traditional 90 deg tanks. This modification increases the velocity, presure and force of the water. The WC also have 3 flush volumes which allow to use water more efficient.
The puzzle type seat and cover allow to reduce unnecessary overlaping which saves material.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: Almost one year, location - Bulgaria, Europe
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Live tests will allow us to understand which material will be better - Ceramic or Acrylic. Maybe other materials will be tested too.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Length - 400mm, Projection - 775mm, Height - 790mm
TAGS: Versus, V-shape, Close-Coupled, WC, Toilet, Black, Red, Extravagant, Bathroom
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: During the CAD build a lot of fluid analysis were studied, a specialist was asked for consultancy.
CHALLENGE: Maintain the original V-shape during technical and ergonomic transformations.
ADDED DATE: 2014-02-26 15:08:24
TEAM MEMBERS (1) : Vasil Velchev
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Author Vasil Velchev, Project Versus, 2014.
Image #2: Author Vasil Velchev, Project Versus, 2014.
Image #3: Author Vasil Velchev, Project Versus, 2014.
Image #4: Author Vasil Velchev, Project Versus, 2014.
Image #5: Author Vasil Velchev, Project Versus, 2014.