INSPIRATION: When facing Hone Shelf, I have nature and living forms as a reference and inspiration. Every curve and surface present in nature has a biological explanation related to a certain function over time, and these evolutionary transformations are my source of inspiration to create Hone Shelf. The creative process consists of trying to emulate this natural process through natural materials and give a function to it, in this case a bookshelf.
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Hone shelf is a magnetic and timeless design which arises as a reinterpretation of a conventional shelf through a conceptual transformation of the physical properties of the material. By doing so, the wood becomes conceptually elastic. The vertical supports stretch outwards to isolate the horizontal planes, strengthening the joints, providing and promoting load transmission and thickness optimization, giving fluidity and movement to the piece.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: Hone Shelf interacts with the observer in a natural way. The human eye is more used to curved lines and surfaces, they have always been present in nature, they surround us. That instinct lingers in our animal subconscious, and the soft, natural forms give us pleasure and tranquility. Its attractive shape, together with the warmth of the material, makes the user to come closer, touch it, sit next to it.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: The project started in October 2023 and finished in November 2023 in Madrid.
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Hone Shelf is manufactured and tested using CNC technology and wood craftsmanship. Hone Shelf is patiently crafted from the finest hardwood; hand-selected and sourced from certified, sustainable sources.
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Width 1400mm x Depth 480mm x Height 1920mm
TAGS: Shelf, wood, furniture, modern, minimalist, luxury, design
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: When facing Hone Shelf, I had nature and living forms as a reference and inspiration. The creative process consists of trying to emulate this evolutionary natural process through natural materials and give a function to it, in this case a side table. This experimental phase is developed through direct transformation exercises using everyday simple material such as plasticine or paper, and tools such as drawing and 3D software. Once the model is created, a prototype is manufactured and tested using CNC technology and wood craftsmanship.
CHALLENGE: I found specially challenging to achieve an organic, beautiful and eye-catching piece of furniture through its complex manufacturing process. It needs to be magnetic to the viewer. Technically, the great challenge was to model and CNC cut the wooden pieces with such a complex geometry.
ADDED DATE: 2024-02-09 18:54:53
IMAGE CREDITS: Pablo Vidiella, 2023.