DESIGN NAME: Erganzung des Originals
INSPIRATION: The inspiration is based on a five-year trip around the world. In Indonesia Quirinus lived with indigenous people and was allowed to participate in ritual practices. There he learned to deal with found objects. Objects are not just dead, they come with a little attention to life, even if it's just a small stone. After his return he implemented his experience with natural stones. Quirinus wanted to test if it is possible to find what he believed in and what he is looking for. In the end, he went far and asked himself: Is the stone looking for me?
UNIQUE PROPERTIES / PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Quirinus observes and identifies the unique artistic potential of natural materials. He rearranges stones and puts them into a new context, a new destiny. Their substance gains a new expression witch becomes a supplement of the original. What differs from other artists is that for him it is not the handicraft that is in the foreground, but the way you look at things.
OPERATION / FLOW / INTERACTION: One of the most impressive works by Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen is the stone alphabet. This work is an experiment in communication and is not only used for writing and exchanging stone messages over the internet. His work is also intended to remind the viewer to look at nature with open eyes in order to see things in a new way. Found objects also reveal information about a past that is not yet complete, but can be rediscovered at any time.
PROJECT DURATION AND LOCATION: Quirinus started exploring stones in 2006 and he is still doing so. In June 2019 he exhibited at arts laboratory Malamegi Lab 12 in Milan. In August 2019 he exhibited his project at Swiss Art Expo in Zürich. In 2020 he exhibited at Schützenlaube in Visp. The original stones with letters and faces were so far never exposed to an audience.
FITS BEST INTO CATEGORY: Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design
PRODUCTION / REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY: Found stones communicate with the viewer of this work.
The presentation of the stone alphabet consists of two parts. Firstly, the stone alphabet is presented in a glass showcase. As discussed with the Support, there is the possibility to use the showcase from the event. Secondly, an iPad stands in front of the glass showcase and shows a short movie in a loop (See the uploaded video.)
A supplement to the Alphabet is the work, stone on head. Wild and fearful, but calm in this constellation. An extraordinary question that arises when the gaze meets his eye socket: Hello, who are you?
SPECIFICATIONS / TECHNICAL PROPERTIES: Single stone, Diameter mm 50, the whole Alphabet, Width mm 1600, or two rows of, mm 800. IPad, Width mm 250 Height mm 200. Metal stand for IPad, Height mm 1000. Stone on head is presented on a white wooden column, Width mm 200 Depth mm 200 Height mm 1600.
RESEARCH ABSTRACT: The artistic works revolve around belief, the act of seeing and the gaze. He views art less than the production of something new, but more as an appreciation of the existing, which is not yet consciously noticed. In his view, conscious appreciation means realizing that something is looking at us, even though it is just a small stone. If picked up, it is a stone. If put down, it becomes a sign and, last but not least, word and language. But how is it possible to share this experience with other people? Quirinus released a stone typewriter and published it on his website.
CHALLENGE: The hardest part of stone work has always been not to lose confidence to find the last letter for completion. The stone collection includes all upper and lower case letters, all numbers and characters. A search that was necessary to implement the idea of realizing a stone typewriter. A contribution on the subject of communication between nature and culture.
ADDED DATE: 2021-01-16 14:38:32
IMAGE CREDITS: Image #1: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, The Stone Alphabet, 2017.
Image #2: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Game by the stream, 2021.
Image #3: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, The Alphabet with stone greetings on an iPad, 2021.
Image #4: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Stone on Head, 2020.
Image #5: Photogrpher and Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Game by the stream, 2018.
Videokredite: Creator Andre Quirinus Zurbriggen, Stone Greetings, 2021.