Payment by Credit Card
The easiest way to make a payment is by using Credit Card, the card details and sensetive data are processed through 128-Bit Secure Connection (SSL) through banking gateway. There are no processing fees or extra charges when this method is used. To make a payment by Credit Card, you need to be logged in, go to control panel, upload your designs and nominate it (you can click here if you are logged in), the system automatically takes you to the credit card payment page.
Payment by Electronic Fund Transfer / Wire Transfer via an International Banking Network
If you do not possess a credit card, you can pay with Bank Transfer / Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), please note that depending on your bank, there could be processing fees for wire-transfers, you need to make sure that we recieve the final payment net of any charges by your bank. Click here to learn more about wire Transfers A'Design Award and Competition.
Payment by Electronic Money / PayPal
Electronic payment methods such as paypal, moneybookers, google checkout and wirecard use electronic money for payments, although these services might also be used as a payment method for paying the application fee for competitions, these systems are not integrated to our system and they will have to be confirmed manually after any payments, Currently only PayPal is supported. Click here to learn more about paying with PayPal.
Payment by International Money Transfer Services
Western Union and MoneyGram
could also be used as alternative payment methods. MoneyGram and Western union are both United States-based financial services companies, with international offices in all countries. Each of these services will charge you around 10-20 € depending on the service fee, transaction country or service agent. Click here to learn more about how to use these services for payment.
Payment by Certified Check / Cashiers' Cheque / Bank Draft
Checks that have been approved by your bank can be used to make payments to A' Design Awards and Competitions. (Cashier's Check / Bank Draft / Banker's Cheque / Bank Cheque / Official Cheque / Demand Draft / Teller's Cheque / Treasurer's Cheque). Important Notice: All send cheques must be issued for the exact amount you are required to pay, if your cheque is not issued at the exact amount we will simply discard it by effectively destroying the check. Refunds and cancellations cannot be made. Click here to learn more about how to use these services for payment.
International Postal Money Order (IPMO) / Eurogiro / Vaglio
You do not need a bank account to send money internationally, using these services you could send money from your Post Office. Please note that it is not possible to use these services in some countries (including United States, Australia) when sending money abroad. Ask your post-office for details or alternatively use Western Union or other international money transfer services. Click here to learn more about how to use these services for payment.
Alipay and Wechat
We are pleased to inform you that we now accept Alipay and Wechat payments, but only for our esteemed Chinese clients. Exchange rate will be annually updated and you will be asked to pay using our own exchange rate. Payment can only be made in RMB equivalent of EUR.
Nomination Tickets
Nomination or Submission Tickets are prepaid entrance coupons that grants you a free entry to A' Design Award and Competitions. These coupons are actually not "free" and if you have such a coupon it means an organization has paid for your nomination fees in advance, using these tickets you do not need to pay any fees for nominating your award. These tickets are bought by organizations and institutions (see Nomination Packages for more info).
Digital Entry Tickets
The Digital Edition Entry Tickets are prepaid entrance coupons that grants you entry to A' Design Award and Competitions' Digital Edition. Using these tickets you do not need to pay any fees for nominating your award. These tickets could be purchased by organizations as well as individuals (see Digital Edition for more info).
Processing Fee Waiver Coupons
Processing fee waiver coupons are free entrance coupons, using these coupons you do not need to pay any fees for nominating your award. These coupons are distributed at events, conferences and exhibitions, they are also given to suggest-a-talent campaign winners and design ambassadors.
Free Entrance
With our agreements with certain institutions, members of such institutions and organizations do not need to make payments for nomination. To see these institutions click here.
Discounted Entrance for Design Associations
Members of several design associations, institutions and organizations are offered discounted nomination options, to discover them please click here.
Crowdfunding Design Award Entry
You can crowdfund your design award entry by asking your network of friends, coworkers, fans, and supporters to contribute towards your participation.
Pay for Me
You can ask someone else to pay for you, many designers ask their clients to cover their entry fees, some of them ask their boss to pay, and of course family members or lovers can make the payment on your behalf too, regardless of who, if you wish someone else to pay for your nomination, please first calculate the nomination fee and in the final page of nomination fee calculation, you will find the "pay for me" link and send this unique URL to your benefactor anyway you like. They can pay with any method listed here.
Pay by Installations
If you wish to pay by multiple installations; dividing the payment into 3, 6, 9 or 12 payments it is possible. To make a payment by installations, first calculate the nomination fee and in the last step instead of purchasing a nomination ticket, click on "Pay by Installations" link.
Why Transactions Fail
Learn various reasons why your transaction might have failed in order to avoid these issues for future transactions.
No Bit Coin or Anonymous Payments
We unfortunetely, do not accept Bit Coin (or other Anonymous Payment Methods) as a payment option, because Bit Coin is anonymous and we prefer to have the payments to be made by non-anonymous, identifiable senders; this is because when people make a payment with other non-anonymous methods, identification is always required, and our terms and agreements also require the participants to be non-anonymous (even though entries are judged anonymously) so that we can actually track and take action in certain cases, mostly in cases when there is a problem due to entrants' submissions; such as intellectual property disputes, copyright disputes, and of course non-conformist behaviour as well as not following the terms and agreements. When payments are made by Bit Coin (or other anonymous payment methods) we are unable to take action as we cannot have a point of reference to track the people who made the payments; if the people are untraceable it creates a burden for us in case of legal issues since the participants agree to hold us free from harm due to actions and interactions resulting from their entry; i.e. we cannot enforce our terms and agreements to anonymous participants. However, if you really wish to pay by Bit Coin, you can of course use the online services to first convert your Coins into another currency, transfer the actual money to your bank account or credit card and pay using that money, but for reasons noted above, we do not accept Bit Coin or other anonymous payment methods to pay for entries.
We would like to note that the Credit Card payment over our native system is the fastest one and it is automatically approved. All other payment methods have to be manually confirmed once we recieve the payment. |