Zhejiang Sci-Tech University Designer Profile
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University is the award-winning designer of the Martial Essence In Brew Packaging.
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University

The school has a strong faculty. There are 2,588 staff members in the school, including 336 with senior titles and 692 with associate senior titles. It has 1 academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 2 academicians of developed countries, 5 leading talents of the National High-level Talent Special Support Program, 3 outstanding young Science Fund winners of the National Natural Science Foundation, 4 outstanding young Science Fund winners, 5 national candidates for the "New Century Millions of Talents Project", and 1 young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions to the country. There are 2 cultural celebrities and "Four batch" talents, 8 people in the "New Century Outstanding Talents Support Plan" of the Ministry of Education, 3 young and middle-aged scientific and technological innovation leaders of the Ministry of Science and Technology, and 32 other national talents and experts. Fiber material science and engineering teachers team was selected as the third batch of national universities Huang Danian teachers team. In addition, a group of well-known experts and scholars at home and abroad are hired as adjunct professors and Jinsha scholars.

Martial Essence In Brew Packaging