MORADA DECOR Designer Profile
MORADA DECOR is the award-winning designer of the Cinema Chair.

We are passionate about Furniture, passionate about handling materials in the manufacture of furniture, especially wood. The objective of our product is to create an emotional connection with customers, inspiring them to transform their environments with authentic and timeless pieces, which at the same time highlight the comfort and functionality that the furniture provides. Brazil. With an innovative and creative vision, the company goes beyond current trends, seeking to create exclusive furniture that transforms spaces into true works of art. Combining artisanal tradition with technology, Morada Decor Móveis offers elegant and comfortable pieces that surprise customers with a contemporary design. And with these carefully selected materials, mainly high-quality wood, the brand creates exclusive furniture, conveying authenticity and refinement. When choosing Morada Decor Móveis, the customer embarks on a journey of creativity, innovation and inspiration, experimenting with unique and transformative decoration for your environments. With artisanal expertise and a passion for design, Morada Decor Móveis is the reliable choice for those looking for high-quality furniture, exceptional comfort and refined style. With a solid strategy and focus on quality, authenticity and innovation, Morada Decor Móveis is well positioned to stand out and prosper in the high-end furniture market.

Cinema Chair