Shaobo's appreciation for his mother's educational methods has significantly influenced his personal and professional development. One of the valuable lessons he has learned from his mother is that knowledge and skill can be acquired from anyone, emphasizing the importance of being open-minded and modest. This mindset has allowed Shaobo to gain proficiency in various areas over the course of 24 years. As a child, Shaobo's mother enrolled him in a drawing class to help him stay focused and avoid getting into trouble. Although the class was initially intended to serve as a short-term solution, Shaobo unexpectedly found himself drawn to the creative process of drawing. It was not the act of replicating reality on paper that captured his interest, but the ability to create an imaginary world through his hands. This fascination with imaginative creation was further realized when Shaobo began working with clay. From that moment, he knew that he wanted to create something that would benefit others, despite design being a foreign concept to him at the time. Shaobo found LEGO to be a useful tool for creative expression, as he could use it to construct objects beyond the instruction manuals. Over time, Shaobo's attention to his surroundings increased. He began to pay close attention to the light fixtures in his room, his mother's vase, the chairs he sat on, and the extendable table that his parents owned. His college friends recognized his keen eye for beauty, as he had a talent for noticing details that others may overlook. He would study the structure of objects and use his skills from the drawing class to analyze their design and find ways to improve them. Through his journey of self-discovery, Shaobo has developed into a mature individual with an intuitive mind, driven to create things that serve a purpose. He remains committed to his pursuit of creativity, constantly seeking new ways to expand his abilities.