Changching Chien Designer Profile
Changching Chien is an award-winning designer with 4 featured award-winning projects.
Changching Chien

Changching Chien National Cheng Kung University Architecture Institute / Design Theory and Method Group (Taiwan) First Class Senior Architect (Taiwan) University Lecturer Certificate (Taiwan) 2017 Taiwan Architecture Award First Prize (Taiwan) With "architectural characteristics", "Space Poetry", "Flowing Space" and "Less is More" are the core concepts of space design. Integrate the needs of users and create a space field of "sense of time" and "sense of life" with "subtractive design". Create a space atmosphere of "modern oriental humanities". Integrate space requirements and design concepts, and present with "beautiful" achievements. Blurring the boundary between indoor and outdoor, extending the sense of indoor space to the outdoors, and guiding the outdoor scene into the interior. Create flowing air, filtered light and comfortable living physical environment.

Light Exhibition Hall
Past Precious Times Private Homes
Vicky in Wonderland Private Homes
Pucks Blue Private Homes