Cheng Nan Chin Designer Profile
Cheng Nan Chin is the award-winning designer of the Urban Jungle Beauty Salon.
Cheng Nan Chin

PU as simplicity and sincerity with deeper significance. ZE as rain drops that nourish all living things and combine into streams. Delving into the essence and listening to the heart, we provide flexible design with enthusiasm. With a practical attitude and refined style, we create appropriate and effective spaces. Putting ourselves in the clients’ position while combining our experience and aesthetics, we nourish the luster of a home with our design. We believe that the essence of design is to refine the unique luster of each client while nourishing their tastes and life. We can satisfy their yearnings without flashy ornaments. Simplicity and comfort can be transformed into the beauty of life.

Cheng Nan Chin
Urban Jungle Beauty Salon