Valentina Favaro Designer Profile
Valentina Favaro is the award-winning designer of the Materializing the Digital Transformable Fabrics 3D Printed.
Valentina Favaro

I am a life enthusiast, a person full of energy and the strong belief everyone has some energy to be given to the world. I love to explore everything and every field, I am really curios and hungry of knowledge. I think you can " stand to life, survive to it" just absorbing what's happening, or you can "live life" giving everything you can. That's why I believe the objects around us and, moreover, what we wear, should be kind to our body, giving us the feeling we need and, at the same time, making us understandable; expressing ourselves. I put my energy in what I do everyday, hoping to help others through things I create; also just with gestures or words.

Valentina Favaro
Materializing the Digital Transformable Fabrics 3D Printed