Hyojin Yoo & Nupur Mathur Designer Profile
Hyojin Yoo & Nupur Mathur is the award-winning designer of the Sound Circles Taiwan Sonic Textile Installation.
Hyojin Yoo & Nupur Mathur

Hyojin Yoo is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher, and designer whose work explores how gender and identity are constructed in contemporary social structures and technological and cultural landscapes inspired through her personal experiences. She works with various mediums exploring tangible interaction. Her work has been shown in New York: IDEAS City Festival NYC, Select Art Fair, Queens Museum, Boston: Boston Cyberarts Gallery, Seoul: Coex Convention Center, and Taipei Artist Village, Taipei. Nupur is a conceptual research-based artist. She works with photo, audio, video and found materials. Her art practice is focused on revealing hidden narratives, especially related to gender and sexuality. She believes that the act of making visible that which has been kept from being seen can complicate our relationship with the past and create new imaginations for the present and future. Mathur work has been seen in the United States, India, Singapore, Germany, Israel, and Italy.

Hyojin Yoo & Nupur Mathur
Sound Circles Taiwan Sonic Textile Installation