Jorge Campos de la Borbolla Designer Profile
Jorge Campos de la Borbolla is the award-winning designer of the Puntarena Virreyes Restaurant.
Jorge Campos de la Borbolla

I grew up in Mexico, and since youth I was introduced to Architecture through my uncle (Architect). I grew-up in a multicultural environment where some of my immediate family came from the USA and Italy, and attended a German School, so I was challenged to travel since my early years. Lived in Germany at age 16 and travel throughout Europe visiting relatives in Spain and Italy. Shortly after graduating from Architecture School, lived 16 years abroad mainly in the USA, Europe, and the Caribbean. My design experiences abroad provided me a new view about my country and the great design opportunities available through the many Art and Crafts procedure. My design principles contemplate the integration of such in a contemporary framework.

Puntarena Virreyes Restaurant