Guner Donmez Designer Profile
Guner Donmez is the award-winning designer of the mono Monoblock Sink.
Guner Donmez

Designer Guner Donmez was born in 1974 in Turkey, after studying design Marmara University Faculty of fine arts. He comletedhis masters degree in designat Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University in 2001. He worked for Vitra as the designer, for model and product development. The designer invited to many international exhibitions like ETMK product designs İstanbul in 1998 and Hanyan University design exhibition korea in 2004 to display his desgns. one of his designs ''Quarter'' was granted as of the best 30 designs in the Designboom Water Concept ''inside the bathroom'' contest. Giving design and product development support to many companies, Guner Donmez is currently working as a design instructor in the faculity of fine arts at Işık and Sakarya Universities.

mono Monoblock Sink