LEE eun kyoung Designer Profile
LEE eun kyoung is the award-winning designer of the Free hug sofa Sofa .
LEE eun kyoung

What are the underlying emotional satisfaction? "The happy feeling." Who are those (people) or what (things), and you want to find happiness from experience (behavior), remember, honor, etc. The reason we have not reached it is "loneliness". 1 or 2. As the number of family structure is also an increasing number of people who struggle with feelings of "loneliness". What is needed for these fun, is that the story needed to communicate Furniture. Fun and can give emotional satisfaction, and furniture design in the story. However, not only selling products with functional and practical furniture, furniture with a story of its own with an Identity has the experience and story, we propose a Story (Concentric, happiness) Fun and can give emotional satisfaction, and design furniture in the story. However, not only selling products with functional and practical furniture, furniture with a story of its own with an Identity has the experience and stories, tries to suggest a story. Placed a point in the warmth and concentric.

Free hug sofa  Sofa