Vincenzo Granata, Anna Dell'Aversana and Pietro Liquori Team Designer Profile
Vincenzo Granata, Anna Dell'Aversana and Pietro Liquori Team is the award-winning designer of the Aps Sun-Tracking Photovoltaic System .
Vincenzo Granata, Anna Dell'Aversana and Pietro Liquori Team

The three Neapolitans designers Vincenzo Granata, Anna Dell'Aversana and Pietro Liquori are currently working in research and development of new products that integrate design, innovative materials and advanced technologies. The objective is to merge design culture with innovation to create sustainable products in order to evolve systems and services in the sector of industrial design. One of the strengths of the team is multidisciplinary and multiple skills acquired in the course of their training and experience, which allows them to carry out projects in various fields, moving between architecture, fashion, design and engineering

Aps Sun-Tracking Photovoltaic System