Ma Cheng Air Bubble Office
Air Bubble Office is Bronze Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Air Bubble Office

The project is approached from a net and universal interpretation of an ordinary space, designed to allow a traditional distribution in spaces of greater or lesser size: offices, meeting rooms, work rooms and distribution halls. In contrast, an alternative work environment is proposed where fluidity, flexibility and adaptability generate a dynamic and open space for the multiplicity of activities and the simultaneity of visuals.

Air Bubble Office
Ma Cheng Air Bubble
Ma Cheng Office
Ma Cheng design
Ma Cheng design
Ma Cheng

We work and do the research on the Architecture/spatial design in abandoned space on city scale, because there are treasures unknown. We trying to find the value of this kind of spaces by using the ideas and technics. We want to combine the experience and needs ,exploring the new way adapt each project.

Sino-Europe Center for Architecture and Development

Sino-Europe Architecture and Development center is Co-built by Management Committee of Kunshan Huaqiao Economic Development Zone , Kunshan JinzhiHuikun Building Technology Co., Ltd., foucus on Design, Construction technology, intelligent system, which aimed to build a international platform on Architectural industry. The center was set up in Kunshan Huaqiao International Innovation Habour,A12 buildings,covers an area of 800 SQ Meters, Cooperating with ETSAM of UPM as an academic background,which is oriented towards Smart city and intelligent building.the introduction of international research talent and innovative team,company ,the international leading technology and products should help Chinese modernization and urban renewal, which works on the future development of cities, landscapes, buildings.