Mohamed Shabana Foundry Commercial
Foundry Commercial is Iron Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Foundry Commercial

The architect wanted to combine history and modernism to repurpose an established property near the downtown area. Sustainability is a theme throughout the design by using reused and recycled materials. Contrast is another theme used throughout the Foundry. He created Multiple designs, feelings and concepts merge seamlessly throughout the design. This dreamlike state is the main concept that dominates him and the owner. He sees that opening doors takes you to more doors and completely new spaces and new experiences. He uses materials, colors, and music to vary the feeling of each concept/room

Foundry Commercial
Mohamed Shabana Foundry
Mohamed Shabana Commercial
Mohamed Shabana design
Mohamed Shabana design
Mohamed Shabana

The Architect is ambitious and talented. Also, his passion in hand drawings from his childhood supported him a lot to improve his career. Furthermore, he has always believed in looking to get more knowledge and learning from different countries with different cultures to understand the conceptual distinction between these two curriculum models is critical in architectural.

Sapa Investment Group

Sapa Investment Group was formed to give like-minded individuals an opportunity to grow and harness their passion into a lucrative business. We aim to provide our entrepreneurs with the knowledge, space and fiscal support to see their dreams become reality. Armed with over 30-years of business experience and industry expertise, Sapa Investment partners with our entrepreneurs providing infrastructure to open and operate successful businesses.