Mario Mazzer Wave Lamp
Wave Lamp is Bronze Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Category.
Wave Lamp

Wave is made of plastic wavy rings held together by steel rods. The ring viewed from the side looks like the infinity sign, depicted by the undulating movement that has no beginning and no end. There are different dimensions and versions: floor lamp, table lamp, ceiling lamp. It is also possible to use this decorative element to create big light structures or Chandelier with endless variations.

Wave Lamp
Mario Mazzer Wave
Mario Mazzer Lamp
Mario Mazzer design
Mario Mazzer design

CANDELAH brand has originality with its design, bringing new artistic orientation to the simple design lighting market. "CANDELA",unit of light, with the most romantic design,the letter "H",whichis from first letter of theword "Handicraftsman" , create the brand name. The mission ofCANDELAH istocreate a new trend of lighting innovationby the use of modern industrial technology , displaying luxury and modernlifestyle.