Nhi Ton Mobius Pendant Lamp
Mobius Pendant Lamp is Bronze Design Award winner in 2019 - 2020 Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Category.
Mobius Pendant Lamp

This reconfigurable lamp is an applied design result of Nhi Ton's research and studies on the mountain and valley origami folds which suggest motion, structure, and flexibility. With the structure, it allows users to interact and transform the shape to fit into their environment and desire. The lampshade furthermore takes on the specific form of the Moebius Strip in which top and bottom surfaces are made continuous through the simple expedient of a twist in space as the artistic representation of the conscious and unconscious dimensions of our human experience.

Mobius  Pendant Lamp
Nhi Ton Mobius
Nhi Ton Pendant Lamp
Nhi Ton design
Nhi Ton design
Nhi Ton

Nhi Ton is currently Fellowship Product Design student at the University of the Arts. Having the Business Management background, she came to the USA to pursue her dream about art and design starting from Graphic Design. Her eyes are full of curiosity about learning knowledge. Nhi Ton is very passionate about making things, objects that have different looks but practical. Natures and cultures are the biggest influences on her design philosophy. Therefore, her work is a blend of exploring traditional craft and minimalism with a concentrated focus on user interactions.

Nhi Ton

Nhi Ton is currently Fellowship Product Design student at the University of the Arts. Having the Business Management background, she came to the USA to pursue her dream about art and design starting from Graphic Design. Her eyes are full of curiosity about learning knowledge. Nhi Ton is very passionate about making things, objects that have different looks but practical. Natures and cultures are the biggest influences on her design philosophy. Therefore, her work is a blend of exploring traditional craft and minimalism with a concentrated focus on user interactions. Nhi Ton started learning about jewelry design in her graduate work and has since developed and procured an eclectic skill set within. Her work is greatly influenced by nature and she creates abstracted forms and simplistic structures emanating that influence.