Yuan-Chang Lee Inkscape Interior Design
Inkscape Interior Design is Bronze Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Inkscape Interior Design

Art, design, creation, is human element from the basic elements step into creative unlimited interface, to pure soul evolution, the pursuit of perfect goals; seeking design and construction to meet life and spiritual desire for aesthetics, practice perfect works, from design to construction in one step, let space has the spirit of designer and resonance. Designer through rich materials and color conversion the same as the original function, indirectly and directly, melded into old and new elements of East and West, poured profound connotation of cultural integration for the field.

Inkscape Interior Design
Yuan-Chang Lee Inkscape
Yuan-Chang Lee Interior Design
Yuan-Chang Lee design
Yuan-Chang Lee design
Yuan-Chang Lee

Inkscape Design was established in 2001 and was jointly established by two architects, Lee Yuan-Chang and Huang Wen-Tzu. Both architects graduated from the National Cheng Kung University and have long focused on architectural design, interior design creation and construction management. The types of works include private villas, condominiums, clubs, homestays, restaurants, medical clinics, hotels, office headquarters, factories, leisure farms, etc. In addition to achieving functional and moving lines, light and shadow, and virtual reality ratio, the design operation emphasizes the quality of space, and pays attention to the composition and application of detailed design and materials, and presents space aesthetics in appropriate proportions. For more than ten years, we have adhered to the philosophy of sustainable management and growth, and reached the ultimate satisfaction of both the team and the owners.

Inkscape Interior Design

Inkscape Interior Design was established in 2001 and was jointly established by two architects, Lee Yuan-Chang and Huang Wen-Tzu. Both architects graduated from the National Cheng Kung University and have long focused on architectural design, interior design creation and construction management. The types of works include private villas, condominiums, clubs, homestays, restaurants, medical clinics, hotels, office headquarters, factories, leisure farms, etc. In addition to achieving functional and moving lines, light and shadow, and virtual reality ratio, the design operation emphasizes the quality of space, and pays attention to the composition and application of detailed design and materials, and presents space aesthetics in appropriate proportions. For more than ten years, we have adhered to the philosophy of sustainable management and growth, and reached the ultimate satisfaction of both the team and the owners.