In order to realize the "external" feeling, at first we took the space perception in the first place, and function in the second place, which means the space will be focused on telling intentions, rather than on the functional demands. In this way, the intention of the old will not be drowned out by the intention of the new.
officePROJECT is a crossover and boundaryless design and research group. It is found in Beijing by Chang Ke and Li Wenhan. officePROJECT has no style but only unique solution of each different project. Through digging into the deep motivation of each project, we explore new spacal program and modelto create a new intertextuality based on the original social and physical context. officePROJECT is a promoter of Whole-process Design. officePROJECT focus on the unique condition of current China, and we research different phenomenon of it.
Zhongche 1987 park is located in Beijing fengtai 27 locomotive plant, the entire factory production area as a whole will be gradually transformed into a huge park. PROJECT was commissioned to renovate the demonstration area. Development future will follow the demonstration area renovation. No.C19 plant is located at the core of the start-up area and is planned to be transformed into the first demonstration center.