Our proprietor, Zhong Cheng Group, is a real-estate company famous nationwide specializing in financial investment. The overall image of the company is that of a fiancial enterprise which is sound and stable. The designer thus seeks a lexicon of design and inner logic in keeping with this mission and prerequisite. The end result is to find a convincing balace among the intertwing of spatial massing, and a spatial rhythm among the points, lines and planes.
上海中城联盟投资管理股份有限公司 国内历史最长的房地产私募投资管理 构。2013年8月成为中国证券投资基金 协会资产管理类特别会员。公司将资 本建设与产品建设并举,对外开拓市场, 对内强化组织。拓展业务板块,丰富基 和投资产品,提供专业化、多样化的 地产金融服务,打造跨越金融与房地产 、私募与公募、国内与国际投资的桥 。