Ming-Hsing Chang Danxia the Heirloom Residential Building
Danxia the Heirloom Residential Building is Bronze Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Danxia the Heirloom Residential Building

We have dreamed of building a landscape to live in - whatever the costs of construction - a legacy home for its owners to pass down from generation to generation. What we have in mind is the landscape of Danxia, Guangdong, where red sedimentary rocks stand magnificent, like the stone pillars that bolstered the sky in ancient Chinese creation myth. Danxia the Heirloom, which is solidly constructed and beautifully designed, is a dream come true.

Danxia the Heirloom Residential Building
Ming-Hsing Chang Danxia the Heirloom
Ming-Hsing Chang Residential Building
Ming-Hsing Chang design
Ming-Hsing Chang design
Grand Developments Co., Ltd.

俄 文豪 果戈里 Nikolai Gogol 當歌曲與傳說已經緘默的時候,建築 在說話。 築藝 也許後出而轉精,審美 或許依時而變化, 但止於至善的追求,卻不畏時光洗禮 恆久感動人心... 以文化積累 鑄時代精神. 大境相信,所有的發明,都是對天地 律的再發現。 每一種風華絕代,都是蘊藏「內涵」 「氣韻」與「靈魂」的結晶。 懷揣一份壯志,宏觀千年凝視,大境 心,以人為綱,生活為目,築一座「 代」,創一紀「永恆」!