As a design office, we need not only working space but also the assistant space like rest, reading, communication, meeting, modeling, eating, party etc. We have only 80 sqm space, how could we achieve these functions in one place? Tidal system make this happen. The required space functions are "assembled"; into a standard 20-foot Shipping container. When these functions are not needed, the four parts and a complete box are combined to maximize the intensive remaining space. When you need to use the function, you can create a variety of space experience through the free combination of the bottom pulley space form.
officePROJECT is a crossover and boundaryless design and research group. It is found in Beijing by Chang Ke and Li Wenhan. officePROJECT has no style but only unique solution of each different project. Through digging into the deep motivation of each project, we explore new spacal program and modelto create a new intertextuality based on the original social and physical context. officePROJECT is a promoter of Whole-process Design. officePROJECT focus on the unique condition of current China, and we research different phenomenon of it.
officePROJECT is a crossover and boundaryless design and research group. It is found in Beijing by Chang Ke and Li Wenhan. officePROJECT has no style but only unique solution of each different project. Through digging into the deep motivation of each project, we explore new spacal program and model to create a new intertextuality based on the original social and physical context. officePROJECT is a promoter of Whole-process Design. officePROJECT focus on the unique condition of current China, and we research different phenomenon of it.