This is a facility in Shizuoka, Japan, which has both functions of kindegarten and nursery. Kinari Kindergaten and Nursery has been required to build newly to meet neighbors' needs. This site used to be flourished by textile industries. To make children learn about the local culture and observe it, Ecru called Kinari in Japanese are put as the main design concept here. The building shape, color, material and any other elements are inspired by this concept, as well as the name of this kindergarten and nursery.
We are the proffesional of designing children's facility. We have been engaged in more than 520 kindergarten, nursery or any other facilities for children not only in Japan but also in other countries. We hope children's environment is truly designed for them and then children grow up with good health and knowledge in such a good environment.
Main services of 'Youji no Shiro' are designs and surveillances of buildings, renovation and interiors of preschools. We also provide branding consultation services for preschools. 'Youji no Shiro', which means 'The Castle for Children' in Japanese, is the name of a section of an architecture design office, "HIBINOSEKKEI", based in Kanagawa, Japan. The company was founded in 1972 and had launched the section that specialises in the design of spaces for children in 1991, reflecting the rapidly altering social situation. By that time, the declining birth rate had become a serious issue in Japan. With fewer children continuing to develop, we became to think that existing preschool architecture where classrooms of same sizes and shapes were lined up weren't just right. Instead of those characterless architecture, we thought what's needed are spaces that is sincerely considered, designed and built for the people who work there, people in the neighbourhood and, of course, children who use there. Believing that, we had built up more and more work in the field of space design for children. During our 27 years in operation, we have created approximately 520 spaces for children all over Japan. The spaces include newly built architecture, converted architecture, interiors and the like. Recently the area of our service is expanding to the world.