Elizabeth Teo Pebble Garden Machine Dry Landscaping
Pebble Garden Machine Dry Landscaping is Silver Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 3D Printed Forms and Products Design Award Category.
Pebble Garden Machine Dry Landscaping

The pebble garden machine is an additive manufacturing process developed for dry landscape design. It deploys coarse randomized aggregates, using epoxy resin as a binder and is assembled by an industrial robot into three-dimensional structures. It is perhaps the first application of 3D printing for dry landscape design and fabrication, creating counterintuitive geometric features such as tapering walls, cantilevering edges and low spanning arches. Overall artefacts have natural, man-made and machine aspects that are beautiful and breathtaking, capable to be produced at a fast rate.

Pebble Garden Machine Dry Landscaping
Elizabeth Teo Pebble Garden Machine
Elizabeth Teo Dry Landscaping
Elizabeth Teo design
Elizabeth Teo design
Elizabeth Teo

Elizabeth is a fresh graduate who is passionate about exploring the different fields of design, particularly that of material studies through digital tools. This is shown through the breakthrough that her team was able to achieve with the pebble machine, which allowed for the creation of large artefacts that can evoke spatial qualities through a considerably faster process compared to the conventional additive manufacturing process

Singapore University of Technology and Design

The Singapore University of Technology and Design is established to advance knowledge and nurture technically-grounded leaders and innovators to serve societal needs, with a focus on Design, through an integrated multi-disciplinary curriculum and multi-disciplinary research.