Shun-Yuan Chang Life in Genial Light Residential House
Life in Genial Light Residential House is Bronze Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Interior Space and Exhibition Design Award Category.
Life in Genial Light Residential House

Designing exclusively for a small family, the designer crafty in manipulating architectural conditions and decoration materials made the best use of space and established a satisfactory living environment. The house has one living room, one dining room, one kitchen, and three rooms. The indoor space, furthermore, is heightened and filled with natural sunlight.

Life in Genial Light Residential House
Shun-Yuan Chang Life in Genial Light
Shun-Yuan Chang Residential House
Shun-Yuan Chang design
Shun-Yuan Chang design
Unique Things

The design philosophy is to use the concept of the family as a starting point to find the right "temperature" for all members of the family. The design is not static, but to understand each person's needs to make adjustments. Dad likes to have his own space after work to taste the wines in Bordeaux, mothers want more storage, my sister likes to draw, my brother wants to put models at home, grandparents can Enjoy all this at home........ Every designer who is willing to design is willing to do his best to change the atmosphere and temperature of the home. Professional design, customer-oriented and exquisite planning, the space visual effects to the limit!