Pair Up-The diversity shoes. Everyday our world is increasingly diverse. The diversity of religion, race, gender, culture etc. are things that are bound to be different from person to another. How can we be familiar about others differences and express our openness of accepting our culturally diverse world? PairUp-Walk in my shoes is a project made to encourage people embrace diversity and cultural differences like never before. A life style shoes meant to be worn as a mismatched shoes each half a pair is adapting and representing specific country.
Abdu is a quiet guy yet crazy he's a dreamer yet realistic, a Creative yet simple, Passionate and easy. He's a Graphic designer by all it means, When he design he sees impact before actions and how positive people will be, He believes that brain can interpret visuals in many different ways depend on our backgrounds so every design experience is done based on researches and trials. Abdu is an Award winning Graphic Designer-Art Director.
Abdelrahman is an Egyptian multidisciplinary Graphic designer lives in Hamburg, Germany. He's now doing his Diploma in Art direction and Visual communication in Miami Ad school Europe along beside his Internship in Adidas,Following his passion towards how our world is being visually connected, He believes in the power of visual stories which are being told through different mediums even if the medium is a shoe.