Alexandre Caldas Portuguese Roots Lounge Chair
Portuguese Roots Lounge Chair is Golden Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Furniture Design Award Category.
Portuguese Roots Lounge Chair

The Design was intented to have long lines stretched to the limit and it was designed to give proportion to Comfort . The aesthetics was important, comfort was a priority, but the most challenging part in this work was the resistance. The lines are simple but the construction was a chalenge . At the end, it was the perfect symbiosis between Art and Craftmanship that had the ability to transform a simple piece of wood in a piece of art .

Portuguese Roots Lounge Chair
Alexandre Caldas Portuguese Roots
Alexandre Caldas Lounge Chair
Alexandre Caldas design
Alexandre Caldas design
Alexandre Caldas

I`m Alexandre Caldas and i`m relevant like everyone else. Regard the importance , it`s better than being famous. To be important is to stay inside people, not by imposition but because they care about us or our work. As for everything else, I do what I love and leave the evaluation for people in general, I don`t think that is wise the self evaluation.


AROUNDtheTREE is a European Brand of Design Furniture launched in 2013. Designed and produced in Portugal, the land of craftsmen and age-old tradition. AROUNDtheTREE statement is create unique, exclusive and timeless pieces with top of quality, detail and much passion The aim of brand is that AROUNDtheTREE pieces pass through generations, creating fantastic and unique stories from each piece . Designing Stories for the Future .