Hiroyuki Niwa Aichi Bunka Fashion College Fashion College
Aichi Bunka Fashion College Fashion College is Silver Design Award winner in 2018 - 2019 Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award Category.
Aichi Bunka Fashion College Fashion College

The plan was for a relocated fashion college. Our design concept was the school building as an interface between the school and the town. The "Interface Hall" was created on the street side, with a four-story-high open ceiling. The great stairs can be used as a stage or an exhibition area, and the skip floors are available for displaying clothes toward the street. The activities of the school and the movements of the students directly become showcases to add vibrancy to the town.

Aichi Bunka Fashion College Fashion College
Hiroyuki Niwa Aichi Bunka Fashion College
Hiroyuki Niwa Fashion College
Hiroyuki Niwa design
Hiroyuki Niwa design
Aichi Bunka Fashion College

Aichi Bunka Fashion College is a fashion college that has a school corporation name "Aichi" with the motto "Infinite Love" and "rich intelligence" in 1936. As a leading chain school in Japan at the Bunka Fashion College, a leader in the Japanese fashion world, we conduct systematic and genuine clothes education while always maintaining close links with our school in Tokyo.