Small sized handbags are versatile for day and night use. With the“infinity” symbol design handle, there are no fanciful accessories to a handbag. The main material is leather which is an indicator of elegance and harmony. the design seeks to reflect one’s modern and luxurious lifestyle in a simple and direct manner of "balance". Thereby, this bag is epitomizes the minimalist fashion.
MYURÂ Leather was founded in 2014 to provide fully handcrafted leather in Singapore. Founder born in a family which does embroidery business for generations, the founder was under the influence of his mother since young and was obsessed with leather handicraft while he was still schooling. He believes that leather has always been an indispensable element in the fashion industry in all eras and culture. Handicraft, infused with leather, is able to exude a longlasting and classy elegance.