The book is a Collection of Painting & Calligraphy of the 3rd Art Festival, BFSU. The art style of the school's students is shown. The students have amazing artistic talents in Chinese paintings, drawings, and oil paintings. They also emphasize that the school attaches importance to cultivating students' artistic accomplishments.
Associazione di Design Cinese e Italiano in Italia(ADCI) /President,(ico-D) Member, Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze / Master, SoFeng Design / Founder&Creative Director, 2015 Italy China-Italy International Design Week-The Evolving Silk Road / Chief Curator. 2015 Dalian International Graphic Design Biennale / Chief Curator.2015 Chinese Traditional Element International Creative Award / Jury, 2016 1th Ecuador Poster Bienal / Preselection Jury. 2016、2017 A 'Design Award, Italy / Jury. 2017 AD STAR, Korea / Preliminary Judging; 2017 Posterrorism International Poster Competition,Iran / Jury
Suzhou International Academy, a prestigious international school with the slogan "Come Here Go Further" aims to offer international-standard English courses and national-standard Chinese subjects,to combine the advantages of Western and Chinese education.