As the influential style of design splashing all around, the lights and shades spread overall such as the dashing inks manifest the oriental allurement. The authentic wood grains, associated with the marble patterns, exemplify the energy of design style that the artistic elements intertwine profoundly and ultimately transform into the stories telling the affection for the designer.
創造和諧與純淨的自然空間,用以深 .謹慎的態度感受建築的軸線關係。秉 持空間美感的概念,格局動線靈活之 念及融入生態人文既而打造出充滿活 、清新的建築空間設計。中心思想為 以嚴謹的構築工學為基根,運用幾何 律之靈活剪裁而創造出宜人的空間美 。