Present the lamps of neo-modern design with the style of the dynasty of the Ming dynasty. One of the simoles of the imperial power The dragon reflects the greatness of the Chinese people, Chinese culture, the power of the empire of the Ming dynasty. A dragon dragon evolving in the wind resembles silk, so we named it the Silk Dragon to emphasize its weightlessness and connection with the sky. Materials for making the lamp - glass, brass with different reflections, silk black metal. As a luminaire we used a diode tape.
My parents, engineers and builders. So that's my favorite thing was definitely when I crossed the threshold of the art studio in five years. After secondary school, I enrolled in already at that time, the native of Tver Art College. AG Venetsianov secession "design in architectural and spatial environment." After she graduated from the National Institute of Design in Moscow with the same specialty. Active and every day engaged in self-education in the field of design and architecture. In the future, I want to get the objects of design experience with different areas and levels of complexity: from apartments and playgrounds and to offices, country houses and restaurants. I prefer modern trends in design and architecture, although I believe that a good designer should be able to carry out projects in any style.
This project was developed to participate in the tender. The name of the company is not known. The client wanted to get the traditional Chinese design of the lamps developed by a modern man.