Supports your posture while standing to improve productivity and support health and it's just as relaxing as a sitting chair. Doing office and factory work while standing improves efficiency and productivity. Recently attention is being called to the dangers of sitting too much. Standing also has benefits and is necessary for health. A standing chair "tatiisu" maintains the standing posture, and while supporting an improvement in productivity, it also has the effect of preventing various physical disorders from sitting too long.
He is practicing and working with sports instructors, caregivers, furniture shops, etc., and learning about the structure of the human body and structural mechanics in order to research the idea of tatiisu.
A standing dispatch from the sitting culture of Japan. "tatiisu" was born from the desire of the developer’s grandfather to stand, and to stay standing. Now that we know of the risks of sitting, it is being used in ways that responds to the changes in the workplace environment, and is contributing to the improvement in work efficiency. Having both excellent design and functional beauty, tatiisu can also be used to make effective use of space, so it is expected to be used everywhere, and is gathering attention as a growing industry,