Jigsaw Academy website user experience design allowed to deliver a user centered course & discovery experience. The research & design delivered a 6x growth in conversion. The responsive design made sure every user from any device (desktop, mobile, tablet etc) was able to experience the website, content and checkout seamlessly in under 10 seconds. The enriched analytics learning experience re-affirmed the trust, credibility and usability of the brand. The design has delivered no 1 ranking in both brand & conversion today in the space the client is operating in.
NetBramha, is India's award winningUI/UXdesign studios. It boasts of having worked with200+ clients& impacting at-least100+ million usersover the last9 years. As an UI/UX studio offeringSTRATEGY + DESIGNthe team has been successfully delivering design across the globe. The25+ strong design teamhas transformed every possible industry & vertical - be it telecom, banking, consumer, ecommerce, automobile, education, e-learning or retail. The studio has already executed massive projects on new frontiers like virtual reality, augmented technology, gamification, omni-channel experiences etc. Our clients includeunicornslike InMobi, EKA, Flipkart to topMNC’slike Microsoft, Cisco, Shell, Petrofac. We love working with promisingstartups(StoreKing, Botmetric, TaxiforSure) ¬-for-profits(Conservation India, India Water Portal etc) that drive impact. Let'sDISRUPT with DESIGN. Shall we? twitter: @netbramha https://netbramha.com
NetBramha, today is one among the India’s top UI/UX design studios. It boasts of having worked with 200+ clients & impacting at-least 100+ million users over the last 9 years. As an UI/UX studio offering STRATEGY + DESIGN the team has been successfully delivering design across the globe. The 25+ strong design team has transformed every possible industry & vertical - be it telecom, banking, consumer, ecommerce, automobile, education, e-learning or retail. The studio has already executed massive projects on new frontiers like virtual reality, augmented technology, gamification, omni-channel experiences etc. Our clients include unicorns like InMobi, EKA, Flipkart to top MNC’s like Microsoft, Cisco, Shell, Petrofac. We love working with promising startups (StoreKing, Botmetric, TaxiforSure) & not-for-profits (Conservation India, India Water Portal etc) that drive impact.