ADD Architecture Studio Reverse Pickup Table Lamp
Reverse Pickup Table Lamp is Silver Design Award winner in 2017 - 2018 Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award Category.
Reverse Pickup Table Lamp

The Reverse Pickup Table Lamp by ADD features a perfect circle discus consisting of translucent marble. As the discus rotates along the base it gradually lights up. The two bronze arcs were conceived so as to enclose the discus and accentuate the notion of movement and the play between light and shadow. Three different discuses made from different colored marbles were chosen to match the user's aesthetics and mood. As the mood changes, all the user needs to do is play his/her favorite discus. ADD payed attention to the choice of materials in order to achieve a light yet also luxurious result.

Reverse Pickup Table Lamp
ADD Architecture Studio Reverse Pickup
ADD Architecture Studio Table Lamp
ADD Architecture Studio design
ADD Architecture Studio design
ADD Architecture Studio

ADD is an architectural studio focused on bringing fresh ideas coming from various disciplines such as music, video art, literature or philosophy into traditional architecture and design in general. It is an ongoing project that starts from the design problem but ends up posing fundamental questions about the function of the built and unbuilt environment. ADD believes that the design process is essentially a problem solving practice, where the problem is posed by the drive and needs of the customer or society leading to the answer that is provided by various mechanisms, patterns, thoughts and actions derived from every possible form of open information coming from a number of disciplines.

ADD Architectural Studio

ADD is an Athens based Architectural Studio formed in 2016 by two young architects aspiring to create elegant design on a multi-disciplinary basis.Spanning through private commissions for building or interior design, the studio has already completed numerous projects which have been published in design oriented media.ADD is also active in the field of Video production and collaborates with Architecture Offices as an architectural partner.