Devoted is a breast pumping set which includes a cloak and pumping components to foster a private, comfortable, smart and convenient experience. It allows users to pump milk without having to retreat to the unpleasant, unhygienic environment of a toilet. The cloak covers the upper body to maintain the personal privacy when pumping milk. Breast-milk will be transferred through a tube and stored to the container in the hidden pocket. As well as the heating pad in breast shield provides the warm feeling to mother breasts which can be more comfortable.
WONG Sin Bing Celian, a product designer from Hong Kong. Bing believes that many inspirations are from the observation and questioning in our daily life. With interest in functional design, she hopes to design more products to enhance people’s quality of life.
WONG Sin Bing Celian, a product designer from Hong Kong. She graduated from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University with product design major. She has 2 years soild experience design which are including kitchenwares, housewares, watch design and graphic design. Bing believes that many inspirations are from the observation and questioning in our daily life. With interest in functional design, she hopes to design more products to enhance people’s quality of life.